OK, for those of us who are a bit more erudite, I have decided to opine on the topic of the Trace. Well, I felt like it was time for a post and mom and dad have not taken us out in a while.
Anyway, I was searching online (which is harder than one might think with paws) and found this map. There was a great site with it too that gave some history on the Trace. Here is some of the text:
"In 1801, the United States treated with the Chickasaw, and obtained the right to build a road through the Chickasaw Nation. From the 1801 treaty: “The Mingco, principal men and warriors of the Chickasaw nation of Indians, give leave and permission to the President of the United States of America, to lay out, open and make a convenient wagon road through their land between the settlements of Mero District in the state of Tennessee, and those of Natchez in the Mississippi Territory, in such way and manner as he may deem proper; and the same shall be a high way for the citizens of the United States, and the Chickasaws.”"
Interesting start. Too bad the Native Americans did not realize that this was just one more step in the loss of their lands. Makes me sad to think of it. In volume 7 of "Dog's History Bark" they talk about the good relationship that those native American's had with their dogs, although it was a tough life for both back in that day.
Anyway, I like looking at the map and seeing all the old posts along the road. I am hoping we can see the SheBoss stop this weekend. It just sounds like a nice place. Just has a good ring! ;)
Nice OLD map there Jas. Well check out this site (I use my tongue for greater ease of surfing the web) to see a good map! It gives all the places you can go, bathrooms (for those who can't just stop and squat), and horse trails (for those who like those giant scary creatures!).