: HA HA HA, She ain't boss no mo'!! See Jasmine, there was nothing to see at Sheboss place, so you ain't the boss of nothing! Especially not the boss of me!

Jasmine: Oh
contraire mon frere I think Sheboss place proves my point completely. It is yet again a place on the Natchez Trace that a woman was fully in charge of. It was a trading post or supply stop that was run by a woman. All her husband could say in English was, "Sheboss" with a thumb stuck out to indicate his wife. I mean, come on...And remember Gordon's Ferry? Also run by a woman after her husband's death. I mean, these pioneer women were no joke!!!
Jackson: Well there is nothing there now, is what I am saying. About a 1/10 mile trail that doesn't even tire
me out and leads to a cemetary that didn't even look historical. So really, what was the point?
Jasmine: Just like a boy to not understand the historical significance of the place. And speaking of historical significance, did you like our other stop on the Trace this week at least?

Jackson: Well, yeah, now that was more my speed. We got to hike on an old section of the original Natchez Trace. Now that was cool! I am sure the path wasn't as broad or cleared in the olden days, but with the golden leaves falling all around and no sign of modern life visible, it was a bit like stepping back in time. and with the 1/2 mile there and back trail, it was perfect for me. Unfortunately mom and dad had to go there and back twice. They kept saying something about my back fat...I don't know what they are talking about. This extra roll makes me look distinguished!
Jasmine: Well at least they didn't laugh at you for never even noticing the deer on the trail! I can't help it if he was upwind!! PLus there was just so much to sniff!! Well, for a short day on the trails and for the enjoyment of all the fall colors, I would definitely give our hike two paws up. What about you, Jack?
Jackson: Agreed. These were some great trails at the peak of fall colors. What glorious fall days we have had!! Maybe if we get a few more mom and dad will take us out again before it gets too cold.